Monday, July 19, 2010

Life with a Traveling Husband

Ever since Owen has started his job last month, our life has consisted of the following schedule:
Monday Night: Owen flys to somewhere in the U S of A. Start of a looong week.
Tuesday - Friday: Owen works at a car dealership during the day; Staying in hotels every night. Alyssa works at the insurance office during the day; Sleeping at home alone every night.
Friday Night: Alyssa gets to pick Owen up from the airport (finally); Date night consisting of Owen, Alyssa, dinner and play time.
Saturday: Sleep in together; Go swimming/lay out at any kind of pool or water area we can get our hands on; Nap time at home; Get ready for the night then play time with friends.
Sunday: Sleep in together; Breakfast with the family; Church; Trip to the dog park; Game night with the family
Monday Morning: Owen packs; Alyssa works; Lunch Date
One month of his training down, three more to go. I'm ready to have my husband back full time.

1 comment:

  1. ooh man, Im so sorry-this phase will pass!! On a totally different level I do that same thing with my husband working and school full time. He used to have to go to bed at nine, I wasnt een home yet and he woke up by 4 am he might as well been out of town. What is owen training for???
