Our life lately has been craziness. I honestly feel like I can finally just sit back and breath, without worrying about everything that needs to get done. And it's such a good feeling to have.
It all started almost a month ago when my dad called me from AZ saying his and my uncle's secretary from work found a new job. Which meant they needed someone ASAP who knew what they were doing in the insurance world. I had the bright idea of possibly moving back down to AZ to help them out and take the position (it was something I did for them for 2 years, until I met Owen and moved up to Utah to be with him). Luckily, it was perfect timing for us to move because Owen was just finishing summer school. So within 3 days, I finished up at my old job, packed up our Provo house, and flew down to AZ to start working with my dad and uncle again. Sadly, I had to leave my poor husband behind to finish his finals. After a week and a half of being in AZ by myself (by myself = no Owen = SO lonely...longest time I have ever been away from him...HATED it) I drove a truck and trailer back up to Utah to pack up the house and finally pick up my hubby. The next day we left Utah for good and drove back down to AZ. Oh, and I never want to drive to Utah again.
It all started almost a month ago when my dad called me from AZ saying his and my uncle's secretary from work found a new job. Which meant they needed someone ASAP who knew what they were doing in the insurance world. I had the bright idea of possibly moving back down to AZ to help them out and take the position (it was something I did for them for 2 years, until I met Owen and moved up to Utah to be with him). Luckily, it was perfect timing for us to move because Owen was just finishing summer school. So within 3 days, I finished up at my old job, packed up our Provo house, and flew down to AZ to start working with my dad and uncle again. Sadly, I had to leave my poor husband behind to finish his finals. After a week and a half of being in AZ by myself (by myself = no Owen = SO lonely...longest time I have ever been away from him...HATED it) I drove a truck and trailer back up to Utah to pack up the house and finally pick up my hubby. The next day we left Utah for good and drove back down to AZ. Oh, and I never want to drive to Utah again.
As I was leaving Provo I actually started to get really sad! I never ever thought I would have a hard time leaving Utah for Arizona, but I couldn't help thinking I was going to miss being there. We have had such good memories in Utah and I really started to love the place. It was hard to believe that our little college married life at BYU was over and it was time to move on to the next step in life. It made me sad that it is something that we will never get to experience again. So I put together some pics of some fun times we had in Utah, because I truly am grateful for the opportunity I had to live there for the past year and a half with Owen:
Anyways, so here we are in Arizona. We decided to just live with my parents since Owen will be traveling so much during the next 4 months for his new job. I'm a wuss and really didn't want to have to live somewhere by myself so it worked out really well. Owen also started his new job the week we got to Arizona. He flys out Monday nights and gets home Friday nights. All I can say is I am SO so glad I am here in Arizona working and being distracted with friends and family while he his gone Monday through Friday, otherwise I would be going crazy! Luckily, I keep myself pretty busy between work and other projects so the weeks go by fast. It is definitely going to be an adjustment though...like I said...it gets super lonely with out Owen around. Owen really likes his job though and is excited to work for a great company, which is awesome. We are excited to get new Iphones so we can video chat with each other...that will be lovely :) So the hubby gets home in 2.5 days then we are off to the White Mountains for some 4th of July weekend fun...can't wait!